Vyr'lara Raventys

There's no heroes or villains in this place

Right before I fall asleep I hear the thunder calling me. I see the skies they gently weep and I am stuck in between. I hope when I close my eyes that beauty will find me.

I see fire and ashes fall, will there be someone to save my soul? Take me higher to safer ground, all these bad dreams have sunk to my bones. If I don't open my eyes wake me up...

WU/T Friendly | 21+ Only
Dark | Mature | Horror | Gore | Slice of Life
Dynamis, Halicarnassus | Pacific Standard

© Vyr'lara Raventys 2024
Last Update 7/25/24


Just shadows that dance in my headspace

NAMEAoife Flynn
ALIASESVyr, Vyr'lara Suii, Vyr'lara Masqosi, Vyr'lara Raventys
NAMEDAY16th Sun of the Third Astral Moon
SPECIESMixed race Hyur-Elezen originally, though subject to change.
HAIR COLORDark brown, known to dye black and various shades of blue, sometimes a redhead.
EYE COLORBlue-green
HEIGHT5 fulms, 11 ilms
GENDERGenderfluid, capable of switching but commonly female (she/they)
RELATIONSHIP STATUSDivorced, polyamorous, one known lover
CLASSViper / Sage
PROFESSIONKnown courtesan & venue owner, possible black market trader
RESIDENCEEmpyreum, Ishgard

Traits & Habits

  • Grows & stifles a small blue flame of concentrated aether when lost in thought.

  • Does not openly wear horns and prefers to keep her true nature quiet if she can.

  • Not very combat oriented, but does dabble as a machinist and has been observed training as a viper.

  • Prone to easy laughter, be it nervous or jovial.

  • Bears what looks like a crystalline arm.

  • Chews on her lower lip when anxious.

  • Sings or hums while doing busy work.

  • Wrinkles her nose at the scent of cigarette smoke.

  • Generally expressive, either through facial movement or gestures.


StatOut of Five
CHARISMA⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛


  • Moonlight & starlight entrance her, though she seems equally enamored of fog, particularly in the woods or on the coast.

  • She is fascinated by old tomes and aetherial studies.

  • She enjoys fine linen, clothing, and other luxuries she may not have possessed as a refugee child.

  • She displays a particular respect for commoners, especially those working as dancers and courtesans, and is known to engage in lengthy conversations or splurge on them, though she is not normally noted to indulge in their services.

  • Felines of just about any kind, including Mi'qote.

  • Most forms of music & dance.

  • Hot beverages, particularly coffee and tea.

  • La Noscean toast with powdered sugar.

  • Sweet fruits.


  • Disrespect of personal space or boundaries.

  • Physical or emotional abuse.

  • Abuse of power, particularly involving coercion or abuse of someone in the care of another.

  • Rudeness, mean-spiritedness, for no apparent reason.

  • Soggy clothing.

  • The scent of cigarettes or cigars.


AETHER ATTUNED: The ability to distinguish aether per person, both sight & scent, perhaps taste? Perceives small fluctuations in aether. Difficult to trick or take by surprise.AETHER HUNGER: Unable to produce her own aether as normal mortals, resulting in a constant hunger and desire for aether. Able to replenish through multiple means, has a preference for direct supply of aether given from mortals. Only one known instance of death related to this consumption.SHAPESHIFTER: The ability to change shape into most living forms. Seems to only work with forms she is familiar with. May result in gender swapping and/or racial swapping. Known to wear the appearance of a dusky Mi'qote.SPACIAL MANIPULATION: Can seemingly create or summon small things either through use of small portals or summoning magics, exact ability unknown. Has been noted to produce articles of clothing, books, and food seemingly from thin air. Additionally, seems able to clean things in a similar manner, has been noted to free herself of grime without the need to wash clothing. Sexual partners have reported feeling or seeing disembodied hands during intercourse.DREAMWALKER: Known to manipulate or create illusions & imprint them in a susceptible mind, usually creating intense sexual gratification without the need to physically stimulate. Possible uses include therapeutic & torturous, though tormenting has not been observed in the subject. This ability makes the subject highly intuitive & empathic, able to sense the emotions or even outright desires of her prey.


CONSENT NEEDED: She might be a voidsent, but Vyr has retained her sense of self & morality. What's more, her sire has impressed upon her the importance of obtaining consent in all areas.LEVEL-HEADED: Even when her emotions run wild, Vyr's actions are usually dictated by a reasonable mind, calculating her responses to ensure the best result.OPEN-HANDED: While her sire prefers to trade favors, Vyr prefers to garner favor. She gives freely of wealth and kindness, seeking to foster allies rather than deal in quid pro quo.DETERMINED: Once she sets her mind to something, Vyr is dogged in finishing the task with the best outcome.PERCEPTIVE: Vyr possesses a sharp mind with an eye for detail and a deep sense of empathy. Even as a mortal she could sense the emotions of others, a trait that has deepened with her change to voidsent.CHAMPION OF THE ABUSED: Probably for personal reasons, Vyr absolutely abhors the mistreatment of others at the hands of those who are supposed to care for them. If she comes across someone being mistreated in this manner, she is likely to put enormous effort into freeing said person from that situation. This can sometimes be a detriment, but is mostly a positive trait.CHARISMATIC: Vyr is not obviously charismatic in the sense that people feel drawn to her, but she is unusually persuasive.


SECRETIVE: Prone to carrying her thoughts and plans close, Vyr finds it difficult to open up to others.APATHETIC: Barring the things that really, truly bother her, Vyr is not often moved by the plight of others.CONSTANT HUNGER: If she doesn't manage her aether intake regularly, Vyr can become ravenous and risks losing touch with her humanity in order to sate the hunger she feels.VOLATILE: Push enough of her buttons (or one button too many times) and Vyr may snap. Too many things irritating her can have this effect as well, resulting in her unleashing her fury on some poor unsuspecting person. What form this fury takes depends wholly on her whims.WARY: Vyr's wariness of others is difficult to overcome. She does not trust easily, even if she's outwardly friendly.SELFISH: In the grand scheme of things, Vyr looks out for herself first. There are a few she'd sacrifice for, but mostly she's concerned with her own well-being.TRUE NEUTRAL: While opportunity may present itself to aid others, Vyr usually has ulterior motives for doing so and is more likely to seek a sure way to better her standing in some regard. However, that is not always the case, making it difficult to discern what her motives may be, if any exist at all outside of a desire to fill her time.


Vyr grew up in Limsa Lominsa for most of her life, the daughter of refugee merchants out of Ala Mhigo, and quite a bubbly child alongside her twin sister, though at the time her name was Aoife Flynn. From a young age she displayed talents with others, always eager to please and perceptive to what those around her needed. It suited her well as a courtesan, dancer, and singer who plied her trades in many a tavern and venue in her adopted home city.It was not until she moved on to larger establishments that she became embroiled with the Raventys family and subsequently ceased to be mortal, somehow becoming voidsent. Officially she is deceased; her sister reported a voidsent devoured her husband and twin before disappearing into the night and after a brief hunt for the voidsent in question-- which was never found-- an empty casket was laid to rest bearing the name Aoife Flynn. Whether her sister knows young Aoife was the voidsent remains unknown as she has never spoken of it to anyone who asks.The presumed dead twin took up the name Vyr'lara in tribute to her sister and likewise does not speak of past events to anyone publicly, frequently changing her appearance and avoiding Limsa during the day or in her original form. She works instead in the shadows, operating a thrill-seeker's venue of a carnal nature alongside her new family and otherwise occupying herself as a fixer, well-known for finding people and things quickly and efficiently. She keeps company of two sell-swords, Arik and Arngier, though the nature of their business no one has been able to discern.

Dossier compiled by Sharlayan Research Team C-12, Voidsent Sightings & Apprehension
Further study recommended. Subject is dangerous, caution advised.

Thematic Playlist

WU/T Friendly | 21+ Only
Dark | Mature | Horror | Gore | Slice of Life
Dynamis, Halicarnassus | Pacific Standard

© Vyr'lara Raventys 2024
Last Update 7/25/24


Leaving nothing but phantoms in their wake


  • Long-term relationships are based off chemistry between characters. Enemy and / or rival arcs are encouraged as well.

  • Vyr is adept at reading those around her & picking up on emotions. Let me know if there's something you want Vyr to pick up specifically or if this trait is somehow blocked.

  • Romantic relationships are possible, but bear in mind that Vyr is polyamorous. She will not be settling down with one relationship, ever. Her very nature makes it difficult to rely on only one person for her needs to be met, so multiple physical entanglements & relationships are inevitable. That being said, the messiness and jealousy that can stem from these types of situations can make for good scenarios!

  • Vyr's relationship status is also not a reflection of my own OOC and I am not seeking to use RP as a means to find new IRL partners.


  • FIXER - Vyr is a fixer with a focus on finding things, be it an object or the right person for a job. She's available for hire as an intermediary.

  • CHANCE ENCOUNTER - As an entertainer, she spent many hours in public spaces in Limsa Lominsa and was fairly well known both for her voice and fluidity of movement. She is also a resident of Ishgard and can be found frequently in Empyreum and Ishgard proper.

  • COMMUNITY TIES - Due to her association with the Raventys family, Vyr travels to Gridania frequently and is rumored to be involved in an establishment that caters to dark desires if you have deep enough pockets. This establishment has recently moved, however, and she hasn't been seen in Gridania for some time.

  • STUDIOUS - She has an interest in aetherical study and has been seen purchasing whatever tomes she can get her hands on. There's gossip about the strange woman willing to pay any sum for books on the topic, the rarer the better.

  • SHARLAYAN RESEARCH - There is a small group of researchers that will pay good money for information on this particular voidsent, as she's one of few recorded that has been created & retained her humanity, so to speak. Attempting capture is not advised, but if successful will pay a very large sum.

  • AETHER-LUST - As Vyr prefers to feed off aether from others, she's known to take on thralls that are willing to feed her in exchange for protection, money, shelter, or as part of a sexual exchange. Those that earn her trust may also earn her mark, lending a deeper and more emotional connection that can be sensed & utilized over great distances.


"... I've seen her at that high-end club, the posh one where nobles go to unwind. I hear they got a recent shipment of adult implements purchased from a Magitek broker..."

"... they call her a succubus, tellin' ya she'll suck your soul right out yer body if ya give her 'alf a chance..."

"... claims he works for a research group out of Sharlayan that capture and study voidsent, says this one's of particular interest. Been told she's too dangerous to capture, but she looks pretty ordinary and if we can snag her I hear tell there's a hefty sum..."

"... came into my shop looking for the oldest available tomes on aetherical study. I told her someone her age couldn't possibly afford what I have, entire institutions pay for these, but she told me to name my price and walked out with three of my oldest tomes..."

"... unnatural, it is, that whole family. They've no business dealing with mortals, I imagine someone of high rank is pulling their strings. There is no way they have 'retained their humanity', it's a farce and best dealt with swiftly before someone is killed..."

"... a woman one minute and when I turned again, nothin' but a black coeurl sittin' there, starin' at me with big green eyes..."

"... looks just like Aoife, swear it, but her sister will hear none of it. Poor lass, lost her husband and twin in the blink of an eye, they never found the voidsent what done it...."

WU/T Friendly | 21+ Only
Dark | Mature | Horror | Gore | Slice of Life
Dynamis, Halicarnassus | Pacific Standard

© Vyr'lara Raventys 2024
Last Update 7/25/24


There's parts of me I cannot hide


Often referred to as her 'creator', Ascheron is Vyr's sire, the one that made her voidsent and from whom she receives sustenance and her abilities.


Another young succubus, though from a different sire than Vyr. Mahiwa is one of the owners of Club Asmodeus.

RENTON HARTMAN | Friend, Mentor, Lover

A voidsent met by chance, Renton works as a Magitek dealer & bartender. The pair are recent lovers, after Vyr spent a lengthy bit of time mooning over him.

ARCHIE RAVENTYS | Demon-kin, Sibling

The ever magnificent Archie is Ash's second sireling and thus a sibling of sorts to Vyr.


The partner of Ascheron, who goes by the name Lore mostly. A researcher and alchemist-- called witch by some, demon by others.

Friend | JAYE ROSE

Mahiwa's sire and dominant, as well as a manager of Club Asmodeus. They are known to swap genders.


A long-time submissive of Mahiwa's and employee of Club Asmodeus, Kheti has recently become a mainstay of the Noble Phantasms where Vyr spends much of her time.

WU/T Friendly | 21+ Only
Dark | Mature | Horror | Gore | Slice of Life
Dynamis, Halicarnassus | Pacific Standard

© Vyr'lara Raventys 2024
Last Update 7/25/24


Cross my heart and hope to die, welcome to my dark side

Vyr, Nicki | 35
PST time zone
Vyr'lara Raventys, Halicarnassus
Found frequently on Brynhildr & Jenova
1/4 owner of club Asmodeus on Halicarnassus, Dynamis DC
Twitch DJ available for bookings on NA & EU
I have been writing for over a decade, first starting out in forum RP on GaiaOnline. I participated in some long-standing stories with a focus on quantity and quality, something I rectified when I moved into novel writing and began to focus solely on quality. I have several unpublished manuscripts I swear I'm still working on.
I write in third person omniscient narrative, though I try to convey more with my character's actions and expressions than with outright narration. 1-2 paragraphs usually, though I can match my partners.DISCLAIMER
I get a lot of pings in discord and receive a lot of messages for many reasons. I also work from home, so I may be "online", but slow to reply. If I take too long & you haven't heard from me in a while, please feel free to message me again, give me a little poke! ADHD brain makes me easily distracted and forgetful, but I try my best.

I am lore-bendy, or try my best to remain such. I enjoy the lore of FFXIV (else why would I RP here, right) and I while I try to remain true to lore as much as possible, there is a lot to remember and I sometimes write fast and loose with concepts.
For clarification, the term demon(s) is used as slang for voidsent.
Vyr is not very combat focused, but I am willing to dabble and prefer to talk out a combat scene first to get an idea of where we want to go and why. Dice rolls are also fine, though not my preference. Sparring can be off-the-cuff.
ERP is fine, though I prefer to discuss boundaries of characters & players first before engaging. Kink-related is also okay, but this requires a longer conversation and some form of aftercare. I will only consider ERP for long-term roleplay, not one-off scenes.
I will write with one Warrior of Light OC, not multiple. I currently have no Warrior of Light specific OC I engage with, but prefer to avoid this entirely if at all possible.
I lovelovelove gpose and I'm especially happy to gpose scenes & characters together to help bring it to life. Vyr is also available for collabs between roleplay partners.

WU/T Friendly | 21+ Only
Dark | Mature | Horror | Gore | Slice of Life
Dynamis, Halicarnassus | Pacific Standard

© Vyr'lara Raventys 2024
Last Update 7/25/24